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SEE - Students Empowering Each Other


We are excited to launch the next generation of change agents - SEE. Over the past several months, the WCCC has been working with our youth to facilitate student voice summits and take what we learned from those summits to engage and empower our youth to create impact for the upcoming year. They have lots of great ideas on how to do this in the upcoming year. Here are a couple things that transpired from their work this summer:

NEW VISION: We envision a welcoming school culture where students feel empowered to embrace their individuality, advocate for themselves, and are supported to maintain a positive lifestyle.

NEW MISSION: We will create opportunities for students to amplify their voices, make positive connections, and become leaders that will promote meaningful change in the avenues of personal and social growth.

SCHOOL YEAR GOALS: Co-Curricular Fair, Service Opportunities, Collaborating with Other Clubs, Membership Drive, Mentoring/Engaging Younger Students, Continued Student Voice Opportunities/Retreats, Student Voice on District Committees, Branding

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April Wellness Series

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The WCCC is led by a committed team of community volunteers and champions for youth prevention and positive mental health.  Each sector of the community is represented on our leadership team and plays an integral part of not only the vision for our organization, but also, the impactful work done.

The WCCC is also fortunate to have a recently added full time coordinator and student intern.  They facilitate the necessary work of the leadership team and coalition.

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